Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Youtube on Forums

We had to remove html posting capabilities from our forums, but we brought a new [youtube] button so people can continue to post videos

Link to Instructions

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Congratulations to ChoochooJr and Babuska

Choochoojr has been a long time member of Spoofee and met Babuska.

Look what it led up to!

Truly happy for these two.

I also wish Blogger had a spellchecker.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Spoofee Hack Attempts

Looks like some people have nothing to do during the Labor Day Weekend other than to find vulnerabilities and hack sites.

There were multiple attempts and the main 2 issues are fixed.

Thank you everyone for the notification and thanks Choochoojr/Kage_ for paging me :)

Security holes were caused vBulletin mods (FlashChat / Top X ).
Both have been disabled and we'll keep an eye on to see if any other vulnerabilities are found.