Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Great Deals and Wiiiii!

It's been a while, I guess I've been too busy playing the Wii and also my wallet is shrinking from all the great deals lately. The Google Checkout is soooo hot! :)

Wii Sports, Zelda are great. Controls, graphics, very happy.

Red Steel was a bit disappointing. I thought the sword fights would be so fun and it is, but the controls are very very difficult. After playing a hour, I still can't get use to it.

Look what we got from Costco!

Please remove the Playstation 3 ad for Costco. Sold out and too many people are still trying to buy despite that which is causing Costco's site to fail and not load. People are coming to spoofee for the information and spoofee is a great site for good deals and info but now this ad is causing too many problems for our website. Thanks.

Costco Customer Representive

We're glad we have so many users that Costco has to email us! =)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wii / PS3 Craze

I'm at Toys R Us right now in the cold waiting to get a Wii pre-order. Freezing, lonely, and dark. Let me think back to how I got myself into this mess.

Wii and the PS3 is releasing in a week.

Today..rrr yesterday, I stopped by Toys R Us to buy Guitar Hero 2 for PS2 and for the heck of it asked if they are planning to open at 12am on 11/19 for Wii, and the worker told me they will be taking 20 pre-orders tomorrow, but advised lining up early.

First I thought, ok 7am, then 6am to be safe.. and then I read articles where people were waiting 1pm the day before.. so I came here at 3am.

I think I forgot what the Wii was for me. I think the demand made me want it more. I just know everyone wants it.. so I want it.

I remember lining up like this for Furby several years back.