Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Team Building

Our group at ****** had an outdoor / team building exercise yesterday.

Definitely was cool to see all the people you work with doing nonwork related stuff. :)

First mistake is that I relied on my navigation. I kinda knew where it was and what it was called.. so I drove to SF and then.. started looking for the place on my navi. I couldn't find Fort Miler in the list. I was lost..

I kinda gave up finding the place.. so I just got out of my car and took a picture of my car.

and the scenary

I remembered my manager saying that you can view the ocean and she made it sound like it was on top of a hill.. so I started to just drive around SF coast and than I found it!

When I got there, they were doing trust building exercises.. things like falling on eachother.. or using eachother for balance.

and then we had to run through hoops as a team. I guess.. if you don't plan/work/pick a leader, etc.. people get hit by the rope.

and then Puzzles. They set certain rules.. and give you items and you gotta come up with solutions

After that.. they let us free.. and we got to do whatever activity we wanted to do. All involve climbing up and doing something..

It really didn't look that high.. and I actually laughed with the worker how some guy looked hella scared up there. The worker asked if I was scared and I said "nah.. I'll be fine".. but once I got up there.. I froze up. and my leg started shaking to no end. I actually wanted to get down as soon as I climbed up.. but after I laughed at the guy before me.. I couldn't. This is the one I did.

walk back out of the forest

The lunch was not up to Company standards, but it was cool. Made me realize how spoiled we are. I was just hungry and freezing that I just shoved that sandwich in my face.

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