Saturday, August 02, 2008

4 Servings of Frozen Yogurt = Bad Stomach

Today, I had upset stomach at the end of the day, let me write why.

I've really been into frozen yogurt. At work, people have been telling me this place called Fraiche is really good. So drove some ways and visited one

Something about the way the cash register took my order and took my cash really bugged me.

The yogurt was pretty good. Very Fresh tasting. I liked it :)

Then Red Mango was nearby, so I decided to stop by

Got my standard yogurt with strawberries/watermelon and mochiballs. So good!

Then I saw their poster about a smoothie and decided to give that a try

After dinner, I decided to stop by a Frozen Yogurt place near my place called Frozo's. They aren't that great, but the location is convenient.

As usual ate some as I played their puzzle games.

and I got home and had to sit in the bathroom for a bit.


Anonymous said...

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Benny said...

Hello fellow FroYo addict. I know exactly how you feel. Ever since Pinkberry came to the US, the froyo craze is gettin massive. I'm in Chicago and we got a bunch of froyo startups here that I had to try every one of them... in one day. Good luck in your froyo cravings. Your site rocks btw!

dgrappler1 said...

Frozen yogurt is good, still can't beat DQ soft serve. I understand it might be a diet issue but if you don't eat 4 cones a day you will be ok.

Photoshop Clipping Path said...

Thanks for sharing