Saturday, April 09, 2022

Cataracts.. To have surgery or not...

It's been 28 months since Cashew's insulinoma surgery.  She is now 14 going on 15!

We are getting old buddy!

Cashew has diabetes and unfortunately one of the side effect is building cataracts (to go blind)

It's sad that Cashew still wants to play fetch, but she is unable to see like before.  She can still see, just not well.  She can't see fast ball movements.  Gee, I remember when she could see a tennis ball sitting in a field very far away.

She still eats dinner with us.

Still barks at me to go out.  Quite loud these days.

I've learned to make big hand gestures to tell her to come over.  She does every time!

I try to make big swinging movements and throw the ball near her so she can still fetch. 

Now.  She's almost 15.  Should I have her go through another surgery for her eyes?

She gets insulin injections twice daily.  Do I want to make her go through eye drops too?

We go on very slow walks fine.

I certainly want her to see well again...

1 comment:

Andrea Maxwell said...

How is Cashew in 2023? I often think about how it is all going now
Xx Andrea